Pre-Employment Alcohol Screens
Our pre-employment alcohol testing procedures assist businesses to hire only the best employees. Our office will screen your potential employees for
the presence of alcohol in their recent and/or more distant past. When using this practice, we can help an employer paint a picture of the type of person
they are thinking about hiring.
Since the use of alcohol can create enormous liabilities for companies, pre-employment alcohol screening has become a widely used practice.
Businesses are realizing that they would rather start with an employee that is clean than to invest in someone that can cost thousands of
dollars down the road.
Pre-screen your potential employees with our alcohol tests. Employers who hire alcohol free employees get a higher return on their investment with:
- Less workplace accidents
- Fewer days taken for personal time
- Employees with a stronger commitment to their job
- Less friction with co-workers
- Reduced down time
- Higher rate of production from employees
We also offer post accident alcohol testing