Alcohol Breath Testing
Transmetron offers full-service alcohol testing servies for Department of Transportation regulated employers as well as non-DOT alcohol testing services.
Federal DOT testing regulations require that an evidential breathalyzer alchohol testing device (EBT) approved by the NHTSA be used for
breathalyzer alcohol testing. This machine must be operated by a trained breath alcohol technician (BAT).
Get the accurate alcohol breathalyzer screens with Transmetron's
Federal DOT-compliant breathalyzer testing services.
Transmetron offers breath tests by qualified officials as well as BAT certification courses. These courses are overseen by BAT/STT qualified
Why Get an Alcohol Breathalyzer Test?
Protect your business from alcohol related injuries by working with Transmetron and avoid alcohol related work incidents.
Alcohol can impair your employee's work performance in three main ways:
A raised blood alcohol level while at work will jeopardize both efficiency and safety; for example, increased likelihood of mistakes, errors of judgement,
increased accident proneness. Impairment of skills begins with any significant amount of alcohol in the body.
The after effects of drinking alcohol (hangovers) can impair both work attendance and performance. High proportions of alcohol induced workers report
problems such as lack of concentration, inability to work at normal pace, etc. Alternatively, workers complaining of hangovers may absent themselves from
the workplace.
Persistent heavy drinking of alcohol can lead to a range of social, psychological and medical problems. These can lead to dependence and are associated
with impaired work performance and increased absenteeism. Dependence may be caused by drinking or being under the influence of alcohol at
inappropriate times and places, leading to the deterioration of skills and interpersonal difficulties in the workplace.
Transmetron is meeting the demand for more effective breathalyzer alcohol testing, screening, and detection methods in workplaces. Transmetron can help your organizations abide by the Federal Government's DOT requirements regarding
alcohol testing policy.