EtG Hair Alcohol Tests
Transmetron offers full-service EtG / EtS alcohol testing includes consortium services (NOTE: EtS testing is currently available
only through a urine screen.)
Monitor long-term alcohol use and abuse with a hair EtG analysis from Transmetron.
Hair testing for EtG metabolites is a very accurate way to determine all recent alcohol use. This alcohol screening method is highly sensitive and can
detect alcohol consumption even months after the event. Transmetron can even provide this unique method of alcohol testing on-site for businesses and

How does hair alcohol testing work?
The body produces EtG and EtS when alcohol is present in the bloodstream and the EtG markers that are absorbed into the hair structure is what is analyzed
from a sample of hair.
The EtG hair follicle alcohol testing time frame for a half inch strand of hair is thirty days. The most recent 3.9 cm of hair is generally considered
first by Transmetron for the most effective sample we can collect for this specific EtG alcohol hair drug test.
Call your local Transmetron location to find out more about EtG hair alcohol testing,
collections, and results.
How much hair do you need for the alcohol hair test?
Human hair is said to grow at the rate of one half inch or 1.5 cm per month. A standard Transmetron hair follicle drug test requires 40 mg of hair. This
is about 50 to 70 strands of hair.
EtG Hair Alcohol Testing shows extended history of alcohol use and is used for:
- Custody Cases
- Employment Screening
- Proves eligibility for liver transplant
Transmetron offers hair alcohol tests by qualified technicians