Nicotine Test - Cotinine Test - Smoker's Nicotine Testing
We now offer Cotinine Testing for Parents, Schools, or Business, or Health Insurance Plans.
Our urine nicotine test is becoming quite popular today. The smokers nicotine test will test for metabolized nicotine and shows up as cotinine in the urine. We offer a urine cotinine test that will determine nicotine use.
Almost all employers offering health insurance benefits are requiring cotinine testing for their employees. Parents concerned for their teenagers exposed to cigarette smoke often use the cotinine tests to help deter peer pressure.
Nicotine, which is the main drug in tobacco products, is the number one used drug in the U.S. Many people do not consider nicotine to be a drug, however it is. Nicotine is highly addictive and has the properties of both a stimulant and a sedative. Nicotine, in the form of tobacco, is so widely used for one main reason, it is legal as long as you are 18 years of age or older. Tobacco is a leading cause of cancer and cardiovascular problems in the U.S.
Cotinine is the first-stage metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that produces stimulation of the autonomic ganglia and central nervous system when in humans. Nicotine is a drug to which virtually every member of a tobacco-smoking society is exposed whether through direct contact or second-hand inhalation. In addition to tobacco, nicotine is also commercially available as the active ingredient in smoking replacement therapies such as nicotine gum, transdermal patches and nasal sprays. In a 24-hour urine, approximately 5% of a nicotine dose is excreted as unchanged drug with 10% as cotinine and 35% as hydroxycotinine; the concentrations of other metabolites are believed to account for less than 5%.1 While cotinine is thought to be an inactive metabolite, it's elimination profile is more stable than that of nicotine which is largely urine pH dependent. As a result, cotinine is considered a good biological marker for determining nicotine use.
The plasma half-life of nicotine is approximately 60 minutes following inhalation or parenteral administration.2 Nicotine and cotinine are rapidly eliminated by the kidney; the window of detection for cotinine in urine at a cutoff level of 200 ng/mL is expected to be up to 2-3 days after nicotine use.
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